花园二首 其一

时间:2024-02-19 11:56:02 作者:陈琏




The willow trees along the embankment are green and lush, symbolizing vitality and growth. The spring water is described as being blue, representing its purity and tranquility. The image of apricot blossoms in the misty rain creates a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere, reminiscent of the beauty of Jiangnan.


The poem depicts a tranquil and beautiful scenery with willow trees, greenery, spring water, and apricot blossoms in misty rain, resembling the charm of Jiangnan.


The poem '沿堤柳色绿毵毵,春水溶溶碧似蓝。几树杏花烟雨里,风光恍惚似江南。' portrays a serene and picturesque scene. The willow trees along the embankment are described as being green and lush, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere. The spring water is depicted as being blue, resembling the vastness of the sky and the clarity of nature. Amidst the misty rain, a few apricot blossoms can be seen, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to the surroundings. The overall scenery resembles the charm and tranquility of Jiangnan, a region known for its picturesque landscapes and idyllic beauty.

