清河民为宋世良谣 其二

时间:2024-01-29 21:58:02 作者:佚名




曲堤: 指河流弯曲的堤岸; 虽险: 指虽然危险; 贼: 指人; 何益: 指没有用处; 宋公: 指宋代的贵族人物; 自屏迹: 指隐藏自己


The poem describes the treacherous riverbank and the hidden presence of Song Gong.


The poem portrays the treacherous nature of the riverbank, implying that it is not beneficial for thieves to target this area. However, it highlights the presence of Song Gong, who manages to hide himself effectively. This suggests the significance of self-preservation and the ability to evade danger. The mention of Song Gong also adds a sense of intrigue and mystery to the poem, as his identity and motivations are left open to interpretation.